Friday, May 14, 2010


Praise and worship the Ascended Christ.
"Then he led them out of the city as far as Bethany, where he raised his hands and blessed them. As he was blessing them, he departed from them and was taken up into heaven" (Luke 24:50-51 Good News Bible-Today's English Version).
The Ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven remains a mystery to many people in the world because it is an event we cannot easily grasp or understand with our finite minds. After accomplishing his mission on earth Jesus Christ knew the time to go back to the Father had come and so prepared his disciples to know that they may not see him again. The were sad and taken aback but not as disturbed as during the passion narratives.
They were not going to be left as orphans as the comforter, counselor, teacher, guide and helper would be sent from heaven to be with them and accompany them in their mission. Jesus Christ Ascension into heaven makes christians to see the world and what happened in it with renewed eyes.
In spite of human miseries, the Lord Jesus Christ was going to continue building his kingdom of love and peace. God did not stop his beloved Son Jesus Christ from being a victim of hate and injustice but used the greatest human sin to bring about his wonderful work of salvation. That is why when time came for Christ to leave his disciples and return to the Father, the disciples were no longer very confused but confident.
Instead of them fleeing in fear and distress as they did at his betrayal, they accompanied him to the place chosen for his departure. Jesus departed from them after blessing them. The disciples worshipped him and went back to Jerusalem filled with great joy and spent all their time in the Temple giving 'Thanks to God' (Luke 24:52-53).
The Ascension of Christ takes place 40days after Easter and ten days after (50days after Easter) we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost that commemorates the Birthday of the Christian Church. Hence we see the disciples going back to Jerusalem to wait for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit from heaven to empower them for mission to the world as promised by the Ascended Lord.
These events left an indelible impact on the disciples who finally came to understand truly who Jesus was, his message and what is required of Christians. It is impossible to understand the true meaning of these events without recognising Jesus Christ as the Risen and Exalted Lord.
"The golden gates are lifted up, the doors are opened wide, the King of Glory is gone in, unto His Father's side!" (Cecil Frances Alexander1818-1895).
PRAYER: Lord, I know that you are my Risen and Exalted King.
I praise, honour and worship your divine majesty.
PRAYER REQUEST: We should all pray that we become true followers of Christ in a world of many challenges.

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